Hengittävä mieli

In English

Minna Martin

I am a psychologist and psychotherapist with advanced level special training in cognitive-analytic therapy (CAT) and training in body-oriented psychotherapy.  In 2015 I was named Psychologist of the Year in Finland.

I have worked for the Finnish Student Health Services in Turku Finland since 2003. Along with my work as a psychologist in student health care, I work as a psychotherapist and trainer. I provide training for professionals in the use of the psychophysical breathing therapy method and leading of social anxiety groups. In addition, I have given lectures on these topics at international congresses.

My company is called Hengittävä mieli which translates to “a mind that breathes”. The name refers to mental health and balance. The name also reflects both the mind-body connection and the importance of the well-being in relation to self and others. I am especially interested in body-oriented and short-term therapy-group methods in psychotherapy.

I have developed both individual therapeutic approaches and various types of group work based on psychophysical breathing therapy. I have written articles for professional journals and books, as well as guide books for patients with various problems.

I have also experience working with people with social anxiety (anxiety to speak in public, difficulties in social situations, peer relations etc.). I have created a short-term group-therapy model for this target group. The group is based on body-oriented and cognitive methods. I have been a trainer of the method since 2011. Over 700 health care and educational sector professionals have attended the education.

During the last few years I have grown interest in MBT (Mentalization-Based Treatment). I have MBT Basic-Training and work both individually and in group setting with BPD patients.

My first professions were physiotherapist and physical education instructor. I still find it important balance my own health with meditation, moving, dancing and yoga.

Read: A Body-Oriented Journey

Scientific contributions

Breathing in psychotherapy

I am an instructor and trainer of psychophysical breathing therapy and also one of the authors of a book Breathing as a tool of self-regulation and interaction. The English book was published by Karnac in March 2016. In the breathing book team I was also the editor with the primary responsibility for the work.

The original Finnish book was published in 2010 and again in 2014 and Workbook for a breathing therapist was published in Finnish 2011, 2014 and 2017. Our Finnish theory book is reviewed by Aira Laine in The Scandinavian Psychoanalytic Review (2012) 35, 71-74: Breathing as a support of self-regulation and interaction.


  • body-oriented approaches in psychotherapy
  • breathing in psychotherapy
  • short-term therapy groups (patients with psychosomatic problems, anxiety, social anxiety, stress, over weight etc.)
  • body-mind group-exercize
  • MBT group
International conference presentations and publications

Kokko, M., Martin, M. (2008) New tools for couples. A workshop presentation in 38th EABCT annual congress in Helsinki. Abstract in conference publication.

Martin, M. (2010) Breathing as a tool to improve self-regulation and self-reflection. A workshop presentation in the 15th Nordic Congress for Student Health in Oslo. Abstract in conference publication.

Martin, M. (2011) Tough for the Mind, Rough for the Body. A keynote lecture in EUSUHM, the 16th Congress of the European Union for School and University Health and Medicine, Moscow. Abstract in conference publication.

Martin, M. (2012) Sigh of relief – psychophysical tools for self-regulation and stress management. A keynote lecture in Studenthealth2012, the 16th Nordic Congress for Student Health, Helsinki. Abstract in conference publication.

Martin, M. (2013) The best way to overcome social phobia and anxiety is to participate in a group. An oral presentation in EUSUHM, the 17th Congress of the European Union for School and University Health and Medicine, London. Abstract in conference publication.

Martin, M. (2013) Breathing as a tool for psychotherapist. A workshop presentation in ICATA 5th International Conference in Málaga. Abstract in conference publication.

Martin, M. (2014) Breathing as a tool for self-soothing and inner safety. An oral presentation and practical exercises in The Fourth Archipelago seminar 2014 Korppoo Finland –  Embodied safety and security in psychotherapy organized by Finnish Association of Body-Oriented Psychotherapy. Abstract in conference publication.

Keinänen, M., Martin, M., Lindfors, O. (2015) Mentalization-based group therapy in the treatment of university students with borderline personality disorder featrures.  Poster presentation in EUSUHM, the 18th Congress of the European Union for School and University Health and Medicine, Tallinn Estonia. Abstract in conference publication.

Keinänen, M., Martin, M. O. (2016) Mentalization-based group therapy in the treatment of university students with borderline personality disorder. An oral presentation in MBT-meeting, Vienna Austria.

Keinänen, M., Martin, M., Lindfors, O. (2016) Mentalization-based group therapy in the treatment of university students with borderline personality disorder. An oral presentation  in 4th International Congress on Borderline Personality Disorder and Allied Disorders, Vienna, Austria. Abstract in conference publication.

Keinänen, M., Martin, M. (2017) Mentalization-based group-therapy in the treatment of university students with unstable personality disorder. An oral presentation in EUSUHM, the 19th Congress of the European Union for School and University Health and Medicine, Leuven, Belgium. Abstract in conference publication.

Martin, M. (2018) Sigh of relief – Breathing as a tool for a therapist. A workshop presentation in NACS conference in Turku, Finland. Abstract in conference publication.

Martin, M. (2023) A Body-Oriented Journey. Plenary speech at the 9th Conference of ICATA. Abstract in conference publication.

Martin, M. (2023) Embodiment in CAT. Workshop at the 9th Conference of ICATA. Abstract in conference publication.


Contact information

Cell phone: +358-45-6775599 Please text if I am unable to answer.

Email: minna.martin(a)outlook.com

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